Wibiya Toolbar Support

October 8, 2013 Christopher
It's with great sadness that we learned out friends at Wibiya have decided to shutdown their toolbar product. We've worked closely with them since near day 1 and we're honored to work with them by providing our services through their toolbar - even near the end where we were the only third party service provider on the toolbar!

We wish everyone at Wibiya all the best in their future endeavors.

For our users who are currently using whos.amung.us through the Wibiya toolbar, don't worry you can still use our services! Simply grab a widget code from our showcase and replace the site id in the widget code with the site ID your Wibiya toolbar uses (contact us if you need help). By replacing the site id you'll retain all your existing stats.

If you are a whos.amung.us PRO user, you can simply generate a widget code in the "Widgets" section of the PRO Control Panel, and install it on your site.