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Country | Visitors | Percentage of Visitors |
Germany | 471,883 | 80.98% |
Switzerland | 34,869 | 5.98% |
Austria | 27,877 | 4.78% |
Unknown | 16,780 | 2.88% |
United States | 9,255 | 1.59% |
France | 2,019 | 0.35% |
Netherlands | 1,915 | 0.33% |
Spain | 1,872 | 0.32% |
United Kingdom | 1,630 | 0.28% |
Luxembourg | 1,224 | 0.21% |
Thailand | 1,101 | 0.19% |
Italy | 953 | 0.16% |
Belgium | 889 | 0.15% |
Australia | 694 | 0.12% |
Canada | 640 | 0.11% |
Sweden | 602 | 0.10% |
Singapore | 574 | 0.10% |
Finland | 562 | 0.10% |
Norway | 435 | 0.07% |
Poland | 411 | 0.07% |
Denmark | 334 | 0.06% |
South Africa | 323 | 0.06% |
Czech Republic | 323 | 0.06% |
Israel | 281 | 0.05% |
Romania | 280 | 0.05% |
Hong Kong | 278 | 0.05% |
Japan | 261 | 0.04% |
Portugal | 237 | 0.04% |
Viet Nam | 231 | 0.04% |
Ireland | 228 | 0.04% |
New Zealand | 222 | 0.04% |
India | 213 | 0.04% |
China | 205 | 0.04% |
Hungary | 205 | 0.04% |
Bulgaria | 201 | 0.03% |
Russian Federation | 152 | 0.03% |
Egypt | 143 | 0.02% |
Turkey | 141 | 0.02% |
United Arab Emirates | 113 | 0.02% |
Tanzania | 110 | 0.02% |
Slovakia | 109 | 0.02% |
Argentina | 105 | 0.02% |
Mexico | 99 | 0.02% |
Kyrgyzstan | 96 | 0.02% |
Chile | 90 | 0.02% |
Brazil | 90 | 0.02% |
Croatia | 79 | 0.01% |
Slovenia | 77 | 0.01% |
Morocco | 76 | 0.01% |
Colombia | 73 | 0.01% |
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