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Country | Visitors | Percentage of Visitors |
Viet Nam | 2,875,217 | 93.18% |
Unknown | 113,224 | 3.67% |
United States | 34,442 | 1.12% |
Taiwan | 19,840 | 0.64% |
Japan | 7,682 | 0.25% |
Cambodia | 4,261 | 0.14% |
Korea | 3,775 | 0.12% |
Germany | 3,713 | 0.12% |
Australia | 2,217 | 0.07% |
Singapore | 1,938 | 0.06% |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 1,830 | 0.06% |
Canada | 1,797 | 0.06% |
Indonesia | 1,787 | 0.06% |
Thailand | 1,755 | 0.06% |
United Kingdom | 1,356 | 0.04% |
Malaysia | 1,338 | 0.04% |
Russian Federation | 1,119 | 0.04% |
France | 919 | 0.03% |
Czech Republic | 852 | 0.03% |
China | 483 | 0.02% |
Turkey | 410 | 0.01% |
Spain | 407 | 0.01% |
Poland | 405 | 0.01% |
Netherlands | 354 | 0.01% |
India | 333 | 0.01% |
Hong Kong | 295 | 0.01% |
Hungary | 258 | 0.01% |
Philippines | 241 | 0.01% |
Switzerland | 225 | 0.01% |
Sweden | 220 | 0.01% |
Seychelles | 181 | 0.01% |
Slovakia | 181 | 0.01% |
New Zealand | 179 | 0.01% |
Angola | 151 | 0.00% |
Romania | 144 | 0.00% |
Norway | 144 | 0.00% |
Algeria | 140 | 0.00% |
Bangladesh | 136 | 0.00% |
Lithuania | 109 | 0.00% |
Finland | 77 | 0.00% |
Oman | 76 | 0.00% |
Belgium | 76 | 0.00% |
Denmark | 72 | 0.00% |
Bulgaria | 71 | 0.00% |
Saudi Arabia | 70 | 0.00% |
Mexico | 67 | 0.00% |
Ukraine | 66 | 0.00% |
Qatar | 65 | 0.00% |
Pakistan | 59 | 0.00% |
Ireland | 54 | 0.00% |
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