09 Jul

Site Slowdown

We've been experiencing a huge surge in traffic lately, and our current infrastructure is stretched to the max right now, but we are working as fast as we can to get things back up to the blazing fasts speeds we used to enjoy, so just bare with us for a couple more days.
14 Jun


You may have noticed that we have added some advertisements to selected pages throughout the site. Creating and maintaining a site that has become as large as whos.amung.us with no signs of slowing down requires some pretty hefty infrastructure. So we figured, before we lose the shirts off our backs we'd let Google subsidize it for us. Bare with us, they keep this whole thing free for you guys, the end users, letting you enjoy and use it on a continuing basis, as well as allowing us to add great new features!

On another note if you or your company is interested in advertising on this site please feel free to contact us.
11 Jun

Big Changes: A New Look With New Features

We've been very busy the past month redesigning the site and adding new features, most notably graphs which allow you to view how many people were online anytime in the past. New users as well as existing users may customize their widgets thanks to our new color wheel.
29 Mar

New Server

We have already outgrown our current server, and have made the switch to a new one. I won't go into details, but it's very powerful and hopefully it lasts a few months!